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The Maleny Streetscape project aims to improve the function of Maleny’s main street. 

It will add to its ‘sense of place’ so it can continue to be a place that is loved by residents, supports local businesses, and remains a valued hinterland destination.

Drone photograph of Maple Street, Maleny

Project scope

The project incorporates the area of Maple Street between Myrtle and Teak Streets.

The design includes:

  • four new raised pedestrian crossings
  • kerb extensions
  • additional shade tree planting and gardens
  • seating and gathering areas
  • wayfinding signage
  • heritage and cultural interpretation elements.

Earlier this year, the project received additional funding through the Australian Government - Local Roads and Community Infrastructure grant program.

This has enabled us to increase the project scope to include some footpath upgrades to Maple Street. Footpaths have now been documented and included in the tender package for pricing.

Maple Street, Maleny - Streetscape Upgrade Final Design Plans

Please scroll to the right to view the final design plans for the streetscape upgrade.

We will confirm the final extent of upgrades once we receive construction pricing via a public tender process.


To avoid impacts on our community and traders over the busy summer holiday season, we are planning to start construction in early 2025.

2001-2010Initial Community Engagement undertaken for Maleny Streetscape Concept Plan (2005)
Early 2022Project Planning complete
July - August 2022Phase 1 - Community Engagement ‘Review & Refresh’
To gain feedback on the Maleny Streetscape Diagram.
July – August 2023Phase 2 - Community Engagement ‘Testing the plan’
To gain feedback on the refined Concept Plan.
December 2022 – April 2023Detailed design
May - July 2024Tender documentation
February - April 2025Contractor procurement
Full project scope to be confirmed following tender pricing.
Mid 2025Construction
Timing to be confirmed.

Where to from here

The project will be tendered in the coming months. We will update our community once we can confirm the final scope to be delivered.


Following extensive community engagement between 2022 and 2023, the streetscape design has been shaped by the community. It uniquely reflects the character and history of the township. 

To learn about the previous community engagement process, please visit Council’s Have Your Say website.


Make sure you stay up to date by subscribing to receive project updates and information on construction works via email.

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If you have a question for the project team, please email maplestreetscapemaleny@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au