The Mayor and Councillors work closely with the Executive Leadership Team and staff delivering a range of plans and strategies guiding the delivery of major projects across the region, and council’s capital works program. Council remains committed to its vision to be Australia’s most sustainable region – healthy, smart, creative.
Supporting our community
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Contact council
Find out how to contact council online, by telephone, mail, email or in person.
Council meetings
Keep abreast of what's happening at council meetings: meeting dates, agendas and minutes of all council committee meetings.
Mayor and councillors
Councillors represent their community to ensure the good rule and governance of their electoral area
Come and join one of the largest local governments in Australia and be part of council's vision to be recognised as Australia's most sustainable region.
News centre
Sign up to council's News Centre to receive daily or weekly updates of all the latest council news and TV.
Planning and projects
Explore Council's planning documents and follow the progress of our regional and local projects.
Details of current and awarded tenders with council and contracts that are now closed.
Budget, financial and annual reports
Copies of council's budget documents, financial reports and annual reports from 2014/15 onward.
Organisation and governance
Council's governance framework is a set of systems to help council meet its goal of great governance.
Local laws
Council administers a range of local laws including parking, keeping animals, bathing reserves and dog off-leash areas.