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Beaches are an important part of the recreational lifestyle on the Sunshine Coast.

Protecting the coast's beaches is a service council undertakes through federal and state government permits. This enables council to:

  • place sand on beaches within the Golden Beach area
  • maintain the appeal of the beaches at Golden Beach for the community to enjoy
  • protect public structures from coastal erosion impacts.

Council works closely with the community and environmental organisations to protect seagrass meadows, migratory birds and aquatic life within the Pumicestone Passage.

Project update

To dredge sand within the Pumicestone Passage at Golden Beach, council was required to obtain federal and state government approvals for beach nourishment and dredging works.

Where to from here

Council will continue the dredging program at Golden Beach according to the conditions of the approved permits.


Seagrass locations in the Pumicestone Passage change from year to year. To ensure council complies with the conditions of the approved permits, annual seagrass surveys are undertaken. These surveys identify areas where sand can be sourced for council's permitted dredging program. Project-related documents include:


If you would like more information, please contact coastal and canals.