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With community engagement now complete, Council is progressing detailed design for a new cycle track to be constructed between Golf Links Road, Prelude Drive and Lady Musgrave Drive in Mountain Creek.

Project scope

People riding bikes on Karawatha Drive currently share the road shoulder and traffic lanes with motor vehicles and share the footpath with people walking.

A 1.6 kilometre separated cycle track will be constructed to improve riding confidence and safety for all users and provide an efficient travel route to nearby destinations such as schools, TAFE, businesses and Mooloolaba.

The new separated cycle track design features:

  • a new 2m wide cycle track adjacent to the footpath and physically separated from traffic lanes or parking bays by approximately 0.6m
  • a 2.3m kerbside parking corridor, separated from the traffic lane by approximately 0.6m
  • a 3.5m traffic lane
  • a narrowed centre median
  • all bus stops and bus shelters will remain in their current locations. The bus area will be within the kerbside parking corridor
  • intersection improvements.

Note: exact design widths will be determined during detailed design.

Where to from here

The cycle track is currently in detailed design and then will progress into early works.

The cycle track may be constructed in stages over several years, subject to funding and the appointment of a construction contractor.

Community engagement

In 2021, Council undertook initial consultation with residents to share the proposed concept designs.

In July 2022, Council asked our community for feedback on three separated cycle track design options to arrive at the preferred option.

To view the community engagement history and options, please visit councils Have your say site.


Karawatha Drive, between Golf Links Road and Prelude Drive/Lady Musgrave Drive is recognised as a priority A route in the Queensland Government’s principal cycle network. This rating is the highest priority allocated to provide valuable and safe active transport connections for people walking, riding and using micro-mobility.

The new separated cycle track aligns with council’s Corporate Plan for 2022-2026 (PDF, 5.6MB) which outlines a ‘Strong Community’ goal of encouraging a healthy and active community through planning and delivery of the transport network to support active transport modes via the integrated transport strategy.

Project news and updates

Council’s commitment to sustainability means that all future updates will be emailed to those who register to receive them.

To register for online updates, please subscribe.

Contact the project team

To contact the project team, email karawathacycleproject@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.

For more information, please contact council.