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The Petrie Creek parklands open space master plan (PDF, 7562KB) will guide the planning, design and development of the parks, gardens and open space adjacent to Petrie Creek. Finalising the Petrie Creek Parklands Open Space Master Plan is a key action of the Nambour Activation Plan 2015 (PDF, 5243KB). It captures the collective vision of the Nambour community for their parklands, reflecting their priorities and aspirations, and provides a blueprint for the look and feel of the parkland network for the next 20 years.

The Petrie Creek parklands open space master plan aims to:

  • create a continuous linear park network to encompass existing individual parklands and open space areas
  • develop cohesive, Nambour-specific design to reinforce creek side identity
  • create attractive, safe and accessible pedestrian and bicycle links to the town centre
  • provide a guide for future council, private and community initiatives in, or adjacent to the creek corridor to ensure the master plan vision is realised
  • provide a framework for future detailed design and construction as capital funding becomes available.

Project update

Planning is underway for a new bridge in Quota Memorial park that will connect the youth activity precinct and Cenotaph/memorial area with the new open space park that includes a Kabi Kabi First Nations mural, walking paths and dog off-leash area.

The new bridge will be 3 metres-wide with gentle grades allowing for all abilities access between the two park areas and become an important upgrade to the primary path network of Nambour.

Construction is due to commence next financial year.

New council park future projects plan (PDF, 7562KB).

Completed projects

Since endorsement, council has delivered the following projects from the master plan:

  • extension of Quota Memorial Park and dog off leash area
  • upgrade to Quota Memorial Park playground
  • Doolan Street/Model Rail Park pedestrian link
  • a new barbeque shelter in Quota Memorial Park
  • a new car park and removal of the old skate park at Petrie park.


The Petrie Creek parklands open space master plan presents a 20 year plus vision with a number of key outcomes that can be delivered through a staged implementation process over the short, medium and long term. The staged implementation of the precinct plan will occur over a number of years subject to available funding.

Updates on the implementation of the open space master plan will be made available on council's website.


For more information, please contact council.