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The purpose of the Maroochydore Junior Rugby League Club - Facility Development plan is to provide a long term vision for the Wises Road site. The plan outlines priority actions over the next 20 years.

Key recommendations

Key recommendations of the plan include:

  • improved standard of playing surfaces and drainage - ongoing
  • upgrades to change rooms and toilets - implemented
  • introduction of tiered, covered seating - implemented
  • improved car parking and access - implemented.

View the Maroochydore Junior Rugby League Club - Facility Development Plan 2014 (PDF, 2703KB).

Where to from here

Council cannot solely finance recommendations from the Maroochydore Junior Rugby League - Facility Development Plan 2014. The adoption of the plan will provide a sound base to lobby state and federal governments for funding assistance. Council will seek this assistance in partnership with relevant groups and the community.


The Maroochydore Junior Rugby League - Facility Development Plan 2014 considers:

  • arrangements and uses of the site
  • needs across various sports and recreation uses
  • needs of the community and surrounding population
  • sport and recreation trends, issues and priorities
  • traffic movement/management needs
  • relevant council plans and strategies
  • planning constraints and opportunities.


The Maroochydore Junior Rugby League Club site is located on approximately 6 hectares of sport and recreation land.

The site is a district sporting complex, which services some regional needs. This complex provides open space for formal and informal recreation to promote health and wellbeing.

Clubs located at the site include:

  • Maroochydore Junior Rugby League (MJRL)
  • Maroochydore Coolum Rugby League (MCRL)
  • Maroochydore Oztag
  • Maroochydore Touch.


For more information, contact council.