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This list is a guide for calculating fees and is not exhaustive. It may not include recently released products.


autopsy tabledental equipmentpot sink
bar sinkdouble bowl sinksanitary napkin disposal unit
basindrinking fountainsafety shower
shower/bath combination
bedpan maceratoreye washslop hopper
bedpan washerflushing cisternspa bath
bidetfoot bathsterilizer
cleaners' sinklaboratory sinkurinal
dental cuspidorlaundry troughwater closet (WC)




air cooling equipmentevaporative air-conditioner
bain-mariefire hose reelpasta cooker
blast chiller/freezerfire hydrantpeeler (fruit or vegetable)
bratt panfood waste disposal unitphotographic processor
chicken cookerglass washing machineplumbed refrigerator
coffee machineice makertilt kettle
combi ovenjug rinsewater cooling equipment
dishwasheroven proverwashing machine
drink dispenser
wok stove


autoclavelint traprainwater diversion system
boilermacerator pumprainwater switching device
boiling water unitmeterregistered air gap
bucket trapsolar water heaterregistered break tank
chemical dispenserneutralizing pitsanitary pump
contraband unitoil arrestor/ separatorsilt arrestor
cooling arrestorplaster traptestable backflow prevention device
grease arrestorpneumatic ejectorwater heater