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Volume 4 of the Maroochy Plan 2000 contains all the technical codes and standards against which development is assessed. The document has been split to reduce file size.

1.1Use of the Codes
1.3Codes are Applicable to Ongoing Uses
2.General Land Use & Development Codes
2.1Environmental Management Codes

2.1.1 Code for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity[981KB]

Nature Conservation StrategyMap[2321KB]

2.1.2 Code for Waterways and Wetlands[245KB]


Wetlands & Fish Habitat AreasMap[3380KB]

2.1.3 Code for Assessment and Management of Acid Sulphate Soils[107KB]Map[3611KB]

2.1.4 Code for Development on Steep or Unstable Land[1400KB]

Steep LandMap[8258KB]

Landslip HazardMap[7075KB]

2.1.5 Code for Development in Water Resource Catchment Areas[149KB]Map[3126KB]

2.1.6 Code for Development in Bushfire Prone Areas[574KB]Map[2455KB]

2.1.7 Code for Development in the Vicinity of the Sunshine Coast Airport[132KB]

Obstacle Limitation SurfaceMap[3335KB]

Obstacle Limitation Surface (detail)Map[394KB]

Runway Separation DistancesMap[2257KB]

Aviation Facility Sensitive AreasMap[416KB]

Existing Noise Affected AreasMap[629KB]

Possible Future Noise Affected AreasMap[763KB]

Safety ZonesMap[497KB]

2.1.8 Code for Protection of Extractive Resources[105KB][105KB]Map[3689KB]
2.2Design Code for Community Safety and Security[177KB]
2.3Code for Landscaping Design[556KB]
2.4Code for Transport, Traffic and Parking[523KB]
2.5Operational Works Code[328KB]
2.6Heritage Conservation Code[161KB]
2.7Code for Integrated Water Management[157KB]
2.8Code for Erosion and Sediment Control[25KB]
3.Codes for Rural Development and Use
3.1Codes for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry[377KB]
3.2Code for Development and Use of Intensive Animal Industries and Aquaculture[179KB]
3.3Code for Development and Use of Rural Service Industries[255KB]
3.4Code for Establishing Forestry Activities[705KB]
4.Codes For Residential Development and Use
4.1Code for the Development of Detached Houses and Display Homes[2102KB]

Residential driveways detail planMap[187KB]

Rural driveways detail planMap[208KB]
4.2Code for the Development and Use of Dual Occupancy[460KB]
4.3Code for Low-rise Multi-unit Residential Premises[624KB]Queensland Residential Design Guidelines[2475KB]
4.4Code for Multi-storey Residential Premises[696KB]
4.5Code for the Development and Use of Caravan and Relocatable Home Parks[229KB]
4.6Code for the Development and Use of Motels[228KB]
4.7Code for Home-based Business[432KB]
4.8Code for Bed and Breakfast Accommodation[320KB]
4.9Code for Caretaker’s Residence[282KB]
4.10Code for Retirement Villages and Residential Care Facilities[634KB]
4.11Code for Community Residence[35KB]
5.Codes for Commercial and Community Development and Use
5.1Code for Town and Village Centres[208KB]
5.2Code for Local Centres and General Stores[122KB]
5.3Code for Child Care Centres[367KB]
5.4Code for Outdoor Dining Areas[116KB]
5.5Code for Markets[113KB]
5.6Code for Mixed Use Premises[131KB]
5.7Code for Waste Management for Commercial and Community Uses[367KB]
6.Codes for Industrial Development and Use
6.1;Code for Industries in Urban Areas[388KB]
6.2Code for Service Stations and Car Washing Stations[115KB]
6.3Code for Extractive Industry[119KB]
7.Local Area Codes
7.1Blackall Range Local Area Code[622KB]

Blackall Range MapMap[2089KB]
7.2Buderim Local Area Code[942KB]

Planning Area No. 6Map[2976KB]

Buderim Village Master PlanMap<br> [367KB]
7.3Code for Development in the Sippy Downs Town Centre[1494KB]

Sippy Downs District Structure PlanMap[1153KB]

Sippy Downs Township Structure PlanMap[1182KB]

Sippy Downs Town Centre Precinct Plan and Street LayoutMap[1056KB]
7.4Forest Glen Local Area Code[122KB]Map[1026KB]
7.6Yandina East Industrial Local Area Code[2071KB]
8.Code for Reconfiguring Lots[516KB]
9.Other Codes
9.1Code for the Siting and Design of Advertisements[363KB]
9.2Code for Telecommunication Facilities[401KB]