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At its Ordinary Meeting on 30 May 2024, council endorsed the 2024-2028 Councillor Portfolios.

The Portfolio system provides Councillors with an opportunity to develop a heightened level of knowledge, leadership and representation across the region in a specified area of responsibility.

This new Councillor Portfolio System has a strong alignment with the Strategic priorities of council as outlined in the Corporate Plan and the organisation’s core responsibilities.

In addition to their responsibilities under the Local Government Act 2009, portfolio Councillors:

  • keep abreast of council proposals, issues and activities which are relevant to their portfolio
  • act as the official council spokesperson or representative on portfolio relevant matters
  • provide input and advice to council officers on portfolio relevant matters

There are six portfolios. They reflect areas of strategic importance to council and the people of the Sunshine Coast.



Portfolio Components

Region Shaping Projects and Regional Advocacy

Project oversight, advocacy and representation to other levels of government on policy and program matters, regional planning and financing and funding of Region Shaping and other major projects.

Intergovernmental Relations 

Regional representation and engagement with the Prime Minister, Premier and Federal and State Government Ministers and other governments (includes international relations).

Councillor Designation

Mayor Rosanna Natoli

Strong Community

Strong Community

Portfolio Components


  • Community policy and strategy
  • Community program development and delivery
  • Community grant programs
  • Community events
  • Libraries
  • Community facilities planning, management and development
  • Multiculturalism

Arts and Heritage

  • Sunshine Coast Arts Advisory Board
  • Heritage Levy
  • Arts and heritage program development and delivery
  • Arts and heritage facilities planning, management and development
  • First Nations Cultural Heritage


  • Transport policy and strategy
  • Transport Levy
  • Transport corridor and network planning
  • Parking and traffic management strategies, solutions and service monitoring

Councillor Designation

Cr David Law and Cr Taylor Bunnag

Environment and Liveability

Environment and Liveability

Portfolio Components

Environment and Liveability

  • Environment and liveability policy and strategy
  • Environment Levy
  • Conservation estate (acquisitions and management), environmental operations, waterways management and monitoring

Place Development and Design

  • Urban centres master planning and place making
  • Centre activation and revitalisation outside of priority development areas
  • Coordination of place making methodology and project reporting
  • Capital prioritisation to support endorsed place making outcomes
  • Waste and resource management

Councillor Designation

Cr Maria Suarez and Cr Tim Burns

Resilient Economy

Resilient Economy

Portfolio Components

Economic Development

  • Economic policy and strategy
  • Industry development (including sport industry investment and development)
  • Investment attraction (excluding sourcing investment in the Region Making Projects)
  • Local business support services
  • Trade and export development programs


  • Collaborative Research and Digital Disruption
  • Economic Innovation initiatives (eg. encouraging start-ups, awards)

Tourism, Events, Sport

  • Relationship management with Visit Sunshine Coast and management of Funding Deed
  • Sunshine Coast Major Events strategy implementation
  • Management of the Sunshine Coast Events Board and major events sponsorship and support (including delivery of The Curated Plate food and drink festival)
  • Council programming and support arrangements for events
  • Holiday Parks

Councillor Designation

Cr Terry Landsberg and Cr Joe Natoli

Service Excellence

Service Excellence

Portfolio Components

Customer Service, Local Laws and Capital Works 

  • Customer service standards and response
  • Monitoring customer and community satisfaction levels
  • Development, delivery and monitoring of the annual core Capital Works program
  • Development, delivery and monitoring arrangements for Council's asset maintenance program
  • Local Law implementation

Strategic Land Use Planning and Development Assessment

  • Development assessment services and standards monitoring
  • Management, development and review of the Sunshine Coast Council Planning Scheme and input to regional planning instruments

Councillor Designation

Cr Christian Dickson and Cr Winston Johnston

Outstanding Organisation

Outstanding Organisation

Portfolio Components


  • Council revenue policies and financing arrangements
  • Budget development and budget review arrangements
  • Long term financial plan
  • Councils participation in Unitywater

Civic Governance

  • Corporate Plan and Operational Plan development, monitoring and reporting
  • Annual review of the Corporate Plan and performance measures
  • Corporate Governance Framework - implementation, review and monitoring
  • Audit Committee – support, management and monitoring performance
  • Insurance and Risk advisory services
  • Ethical standards and integrity reporting and compliance

Digital Information and Communication Services

  • Information systems, standards and cybersecurity monitoring
  • Council communication planning and delivery

Councillor Designation

Cr Ted Hungerford and Cr Jenny Broderick