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Call council Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

TypeTelephone NumberOpening Hours
General council enquiries(07) 5475 7272 or 1300 007 272 (excludes mobiles and callers outside Sunshine Coast area)8.30am–5.00pm
Planning, building and plumbing enquiries(07) 5475 7272 (select option 2)8.30am–5.00pm
Plumbing inspection bookings(07) 5475 7272 (select option 3)8.30am–3.30pm
Hearing impairedNational Relay Service - 133 677 or chat online8.30am–4.30pm
Speech impairedNational Relay Service - 1300 555 727 or chat online8.30am–4.30pm
Non English speaking background (NESB)

Translating and Interpreting Service - 131 450 

For more information visit the Department of Home Affairs website

You can also contact us via post:

Locked Bag 72
Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560

All calls (during business hours and after hours) to (07) 5475 7272 are recorded for coaching purposes. If you do not wish for this to occur please notify the operator.