Cycling events
Find information about cycling events.
Council encourages and supports community involvement in various cycling events across the region.
Ride2School Day
National Ride2School Day is an initiative of the Bicycle Network and is Australia's largest celebration of active travel to school. Ride2School Day encourages students to get physically active and ride, scoot or skate to school.
Council promotes this event to all schools in the Sunshine Coast Council region and provides prize incentives to encourage student participation.
Ride2Work Day
Ride2Work Day is an annual event held in October to encourage people to try cycling to and from work.
National Ride2Work Day was founded by Bicycle Network, Australia’s biggest bike riding organisation. It acknowledges those who regularly commute by bicycle and encourages others to give it a go for the first time (see some tips for first time commuters). You can save money, get fit and help the environment.
For more information visit Bicycle Network.
More information
For more information on any of the cycling events, please contact council's travel team for details.