BushCare corporate volunteering and sponsorship
Is your organisation looking to volunteer outdoors that inspires team building and gives back to the environment.
Sunshine Coast organisations have never been more aware about giving back to their local environment. That is why BushCare Sunshine Coast created BushCare partners. A conservation program that uses bushcare and tree planting activities for organisations to:
- work on their team building and culture
- inspire individual development
- get outdoors and away from the desk
- stay healthy and active
- connect with nature
- make a positive impact on the environment.
We have been working with corporate organisations and volunteers for over 18 years. Since 2016, corporate volunteer teams have planted over 11,000 trees, removed environmental weeds and helped local BushCare groups restore numerous sites across the region.
Projects can be tailored to suit your organisation’s needs. This can range from regular smaller group involvement to larger one-off days or sponsorship (see below).
The following organisations have recently helped to restore our local bushland:
- Stroud Homes
- Surf Dive n Ski
- Be Open Insurance
- Auto and General Insurance
- Stream Financial
What is provided
An experienced team leader will be onsite to lead your corporate volunteering day. To ensure the day is a great success you are provided with:
- onsite safety induction
- equipment and materials
- a site tour to understand the natural values of the area and what your organisation will be doing to help achieve long term conservation goals
- an organised and safe experience for your team.
More information
For more information view our information sheet (DOCX, 769KB).
Or contact the senior community conservation officer via Customer Service or bushcare@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.
Sponsorship packages are available for you and/or your organisation. You can get involved by contributing towards resources for the conservation efforts of our BushCare Sunshine Coast volunteers.
For more information contact the senior community conservation officer via Customer Service or bushcare@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.