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Volume 1 of the Maroochy Plan 2000 (PDF, 2876KB) describes the purpose of the plan and defines key terms used in the plan. This volume contains the tables of development and other provisions that determine the level of assessment for each type of development.

Download a copy of the preliminary sections (PDF, 83KB) of the planning scheme.


1.Introduction (PDF, 276KB)
1.1Maroochy's Character and Aspirations
1.2Role of the Planning Scheme
1.3Background of the Planning Scheme
1.4Measuring the performance of the Planning Scheme

1.4.1 Explanation1.4.2 Performance Indicators
2.Using the Planning Scheme (PDF, 206KB)
2.1Contents of the Planning Scheme

2.1.1. Volumes 1 to 4

2.1.2 Appendices

2.1.3 List of Maps
2.2Explanation of the Way the Shire is Divided for the Purposes of this Planning Scheme
2.3Roads, Waterways and Reclaimed Land
2.4Assessment Levels
2.5Exempt Development
3.Interpretation (PDF, 746KB)
3.2Administration Definitions
3.3Use Definitions
4.Development and Use Within the Shire (PDF, 1792KB)
4.1Applicability of this Part
4.2Table of Development Assessment for Material Change of Use in Rural Precincts
4.3Table of Development Assessment for Material Change of Use in Residential Precincts
4.4Table of Development Assessment for Material Change of Use in Centre Precincts
4.5Table of Development Assessment for Material Change of Use in Industrial Precincts
4.6Table of Development Assessment for Material Change of Use in Other Precincts
5.Assessment of Other Forms of Development (PDF, 450KB)
5.1Applicability of this Part
5.2Table of Development Assessment for Building Work
5.3Table of Development Assessment for Operational Work
5.4Table of Development Assessment for Lot Configuration
6.Assessment of Development in Special Management Areas (PDF, 321KB)
6.1Applicability of this Part
6.2Table of Development Assessment for Material Change of Use in Special Management Areas
6.3Table of Development Assessment for Other Development in Special Management Areas
7.Particular Requirements for Places having Cultural Heritage Significance (PDF, 318KB)
7.1Assessment Requirements for Places with Cultural Heritage Significance
7.2Indigenous Cultural Significance
7.3Historic Cultural Significance
7.4Townscape Significance
8.Register of Forestry Activities (PDF, 45KB)