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The master plan provides a long term vision for the complex, identifying what it will look like and how it will function for the next 15 years.

Key recommendations

The key recommendations of the Reserve 1000 Master Plan are:

  • relocation of soccer to an alternate site which provides like-for-like facilities and opportunities for expansion
  • maintain significant population of Acacia Attenuata
  • development of additional AFL and little athletics training area
  • development of three additional outdoor netball courts - implemented
  • improvement of support infrastructure such as change rooms, storage, amenities, referees rooms, field lighting and irrigation
  • improved passive recreation opportunities through the provision of safe walk/cycle pathways.

View the revised Reserve 1000 Master Plan (PDF, 2177KB).

Where to from here

Council does not have the capacity to solely finance the recommendations from the Reserve 1000 master plan. The adoption of the master plan provides council and the stakeholders with a sound base to lobby the state and federal governments for implementation funding assistance. This will be conducted in partnership with the Reserve 1000 advisory committee, affiliate groups, the community and council.


Completed works at the complex include:

  • formalised car park at Caloundra City Soccer
  • boundary fencing installation at Caloundra Senior Rugby League along Pelican Waters Boulevard
  • bore installation at Caloundra City Soccer
  • access road and car park improvements at Caloundra Indoor Stadium
  • construction of three new netball courts.


The Reserve 1000 Sports Complex hosts a large range of sporting, recreation and community users, including:

  • soccer
  • Australian rules football
  • little athletics
  • senior rugby league
  • indoor bowls
  • netball
  • indoor sports stadium
  • basketball.


For more information, contact council.