Nambour centre activation project
The Nambour centre activation project (NCAP) will guide the activation of the Nambour centre area in relation to the future use of council’s assets, placemaking and streetscaping works.
The Nambour centre activation project (NCAP) will guide the activation of the Nambour centre area in relation to the future use of council’s assets, placemaking and streetscaping works, and to work with community and business groups towards the ongoing activation of Nambour to attract public and private investment.
The project includes proposed plans to repurpose the Nambour administration building and library, the Nambour (Namba) streetscape revitalisation project and activation of the centre through arts, events, heritage and more.
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Find out what new community services are proposed for the council administration building and library.
See where the vibrant new creative and cultural hub is visioned for Nambour.
The Nambour SEP ensures the long-term future of the music-based entertainment industry on the Sunshine Coast.