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Upgrades to the Queen Street, Caloundra intersections, investments at Caloundra Aquatic Centre and Caloundra Regional Tennis Centre and construction of a ‘missing link’ in the Coastal Pathway at Dicky Beach, are among the Sunshine Coast Council 2021/22 Budget highlights for Division 2.

Divisional councillor Terry Landsberg said council’s $816 million budget included a diverse and valuable mix of projects to create a safer, secure future.

“I’m very pleased to see $1.6 million has been allocated to upgrade two intersections on Queen Street at Ulm Street and Bower Street at Caloundra to address community concerns,” Cr Landsberg said.

“These upgrades will improve the safety of this busy stretch of road for residents and visitors.

“Council and Transport and Main Roads have jointly allocated around $1.5 million for the detailed design of the Nicklin Way to Omrah Avenue corridor upgrade in Caloundra.

“The Dicky Beach Precinct Stage 1 project will continue with $280,000 invested to complete the skate park and $100,000 to complete the landscape and pathway works to complement the public amenities building and shelter.

“The SS Dicky propeller will also be installed after being taken off site while stage 1 construction works were undertaken.

“A further $350,000 has been allocated this year, to start construction of the SS Dicky Memorial deck.”

Cr Landsberg said the next stage of the Coastal Pathway would continue from Dicky Beach Park to Sir Leslie Park, Dicky Beach, with $750,000 allocated this year.

“The Coastal Pathway is the Sunshine Coast’s most popular shared pathway extending 73 kilometres from Bells Creek at Golden Beach in the south, to Coolum in the north,” he said.

“I’m also very pleased to see funding allocated to maintaining sports infrastructure in Division 2 including $1.1 million for the Caloundra Aquatic Centre and $600,000 for the Regional Tennis Centre.”

The Caloundra Centre Activation project, which includes the Caloundra, Community and Creative Hub and the refurbishment of Council’s Administration Building to the green star district-level library, continues with a $1.94 million investment.

Council handed down its $816 million budget on June 24.

Visit www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/budget for more information on Sunshine Coast Council’s 2021/22 Budget.

Capital works highlights for Division 2:

  • $1.5 million (jointly funded with the Department of Transport and Main Roads) for the detailed design of the Nicklin Way to Omrah Avenue corridor upgrade in Caloundra.
  • $1.94 million to continue the Caloundra Centre Activation project and design the Caloundra district library
  • $1.05 million for Caloundra Town Reserve Landscape Plan implementation, including the supply and installation of playground equipment
  • $840,000 to upgrade the Queen Street/Bower Street intersection, Caloundra
  • $840,00 to upgrade the Queen Street/Ulm Street intersection, Caloundra
  • $750,000 to design and construct the Coastal Pathway from Dicky Beach Park to Sir Leslie Wilson Park, Dicky Beach
  • $600,000 to upgrade the Regional Tennis Centre at Caloundra
  • $500,000 for the Columba Place, Pelican Waters Lock
  • $450,000 to replace heat pumps at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre
  • $400,000 to renew the main switch board at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre
  • $350,000 to construct a SS Dicky Wreck memorial deck at Dicky Beach
  • $280,000 to complete the Dicky Beach Skate Park
  • $275,000 for the Caloundra Centre Activation Project
  • $240,000 for Equipotential Bonding at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre
  • $175,000 to upgrade the Bowman Road Pedestrian Crossing at Caloundra
  • $170,000 to renew five Kings Beach Park barbecue stations
  • $160,000 to replace the Diesel Fire Pump at the Caloundra Bus Interchange
  • $127,000 to design a new section of the Coastal Pathway from Albert Street and around the headland at Kings Beach
  • $100,000 to replace the roof at the Caloundra Indoor sports Stadium
  • $100,000 for the Mountain Bike Facility at the Caloundra Town Reserve
  • $100,000 for further development of the Caloundra Town Reserve Trail
  • $100,000 to complete the current works, which form part of the Dicky Beach Precinct Landscape Plan
  • $100,000 for detailed planning of the Oval Avenue and Gosling Street upgrade at Caloundra
  • $75,000 to renew the Moffat Beach coastal pathway from Beach Access 453 to 457
  • $75,000 to replace 240m of pathway at Moffat Beach foreshore

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