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Keith Royal Oval Dog Park.

The festive season has arrived and with it has come warmer weather and consistent rainfall - ideal conditions for grass to grow.

Sunshine Coast Council Service Excellence Portfolio Councillor Christian Dickson said the Parks and Gardens team looked after more than 1450 hectares of open space, consisting of 3512 individual mowing sites.

“Our team takes pride in the region and loves to keep local parks and gardens looking green and great - but this weather has them operating in slow-mow,” Cr Dickson said.

“They are working extremely hard to ensure they can service every site as soon as possible but delays are expected.

“Even when the wet weather clears, the regular schedule may need to change to allow green spaces to dry out, otherwise there is a risk of significant damage to our parks and grounds.

“We appreciate that you, our community, are our eyes and ears on the ground and thank you for your patience.”

If you see something urgent that needs attention, log requests via:

Customer Contact: Sunshine Coast Council

Phone: (07) 5475 7272

Email: customer.service@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au

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