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You can purchase a copy for only $14.95 at:

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When Sammy met Sunny

Sammy always wanted a dog, a warm fury friendly dog, a part of his family. But first, Sammy must prove to his parents that he can be responsible AND safe. Sammy has a plan…’

This is a heart-warming story about a boy who wants to prove to his parents he is responsible enough to have a dog. This is a story of adventure, emotion and perseverance, and a must-have for all parents, teachers and children.

Written and illustrated by council Education Officer Hannah Maloney and Kylene Marie.

Book cover - With love comes responsibility

Sammy and Sunny - with love comes responsibility

“Sunny is a special part of our family, but he also needs rules to keep him safe. ‘I think it might be time for puppy pre-school,’ said Mum. Dad agreed. ‘He needs a trainer. Someone to help him become the best pup on the block.’ Sammy steps up for the challenge but soon learns that with love…comes responsibility”.

Sammy and Sunny embark on another adventure. Sammy needs to learn how to train Sunny to be a well-behaved dog. In order to do this he needs to go to puppy pre-school.

Written by council Education Officer Hannah Maloney and illustrated by Joel Young.


Sasha's new home

Sammy and his dog, Sunny, welcome Sasha the cat into their family, but soon learn that being a responsible pet owner is a big job! Through lots of fun and a little scare, Sammy discovers how to keep Sasha safe and protect local wildlife.

This charming tale is perfect for young animal lovers and teaches the importance of caring for pets with love and responsibility.

Written by council Education Officer Hannah Maloney and illustrated by Joel Young.