Sunshine Coast Biosecurity Plan
Learn about our plan for managing priority invasive plants and animals.
Background and purpose
In October 2024, Council adopted the Sunshine Coast Biosecurity Plan 2024. This 5-year plan replaced the 2017 plan.
The Plan provides a framework for managing priority invasive plants and animals.
Legislative and policy context
Under the Biosecurity Act 2014 everyone in Queensland has a general biosecurity obligation (GBO). This GBO requires everyone to manage biosecurity risks under their control.
The Act requires local governments to prepare a biosecurity plan. This is to assist community and land managers to meet their GBO for weeds and pest animals.
Protecting our region against invasive species is an ongoing priority for Council. Managing invasive plants and animals is reflected in Council's Environment and Liveability Strategy.
About the Sunshine Coast Biosecurity Plan
The Biosecurity Plan includes information to assist landholders with invasive species management. This helps to focus efforts and effectively allocate time and resources to weed and pest management.
The Plan presents the highest priority invasive plants and animals for the Sunshine Coast. These were determined by assessing all species (listed in the Act) that are impacting or threatening our region.
The Plan sets out management objectives for each of the priority species. These are:
- Prevention
- Eradication
- Containment
- Asset protection
Reasonable and practical measures to achieve each of these management objectives are included in the Plan.
The Plan also identifies alert and locally significant species. These are species that are not listed in the Act but have the potential to impact our region.
The Sunshine Coast Council Biosecurity Implementation Plan 2024 supports the Biosecurity Plan. This details ongoing and new actions for Council and the community to carry out to protect our region.
Relevant documents and further information
- View the full Sunshine Coast Biosecurity Plan 2024
- View the full Sunshine Coast Council Biosecurity Implementation Plan 2024
- Visit the Invasive plants and animals pages to learn more about priority species, Council programs and how you can protect your place.
Our biosecurity programs
Feral animal prevention and control program
Feral animal prevention and control program
Council has resolved to conduct a biosecurity program - feral animal prevention and control program (PDF, 249KB) in accordance with section 235 of the Biosecurity Act 2014, within the whole of the Sunshine Coast local government area.
This biosecurity program commenced 12 September 2022 and continue until 11 September 2025.
The purpose and scope for the program is:
- preventing the entry, establishment or spread of wild dogs (dog, other than a domestic dog, dingo), feral pigs, feral goats, feral cats, feral deer, European foxes and European rabbits in an area that poses a significant biosecurity risk
- managing, reducing or eradicating any wild dogs (dog, other than a domestic dog, dingo), feral pigs, feral goats, feral cats, feral deer, European foxes and European rabbits in an area that could pose a significant environmental biosecurity risk.
The program will apply to properties within the Sunshine Coast Council local government area whereby:
- the occupier of a property requests assistance to address invasive biosecurity matter - invasive animals - prohibited or restricted matter
- council has been alerted to a property from information collected that invasive biosecurity matter - invasive animals - prohibited or restricted matter are present or likely to be present
- they are owned or under the control of council or the occupier of a property is undertaking primary production or located in the vicinity of primary production
- properties that are privately owned.
Powers of authorised officers
Authorised persons are directed to act under the program to assist in the management of invasive biosecurity matter - invasive animals that are prohibited or restricted matter:
- provide information and education to an occupier of a place
- undertake property assessments to determine the travel routes or harbourage areas of the feral animals being targeted in the program
- collect information from occupiers of properties to inform the program to maximise its functioning
- establish monitoring cameras, sand pads or other animal detection devices on a property to determine the presence of roaming domestic animals or feral animals
- install traps and or deploy poisons in line with regulatory controls including humane destruction
- install warning signage on the property to alert the public to the actions being conducted
- visit the property at varying hours to attend to traps and other devices
- visit the property at varying hours to undertake removal/destruction of feral animals in line with regulatory controls and humane destruction
- undertake the use of firearms for feral animal destruction purposes within the regulatory controls
- engage a veterinarian for animal care or destruction purposes where required.
Obligation imposed on a person under the program
The following obligations may be imposed on a person who is an occupier of a place to which the program relates:
- allow council's authorised persons (council officers) access to their property to monitor for the presence of invasive biosecurity matter - invasive animals that are prohibited or restricted matter
- allow council to take invasive biosecurity matter - invasive animals that are prohibited or restricted matter samples for further analysis
- the person must not interfere with access by council's authorised persons (council officers)
- the person must provide reasonable help when requested by council's authorised persons (council officers) during the property inspection/s
- a copy of the biosecurity program is available for inspection during the period of the program at council's customer service centres.
A copy of the 12 September 2022 to 11 September 2025 program can be viewed in the minutes of council's Ordinary Meeting of 25 August 2022.
For more information please contact council.
Pest plant surveillance program
Pest plant surveillance program
Council has resolved to conduct a biosecurity program - The Surveillance Program (PDF, 136KB) in accordance with section 235 of the Biosecurity Act 2014, within the whole of the Sunshine Coast region to educate, monitor or issue biosecurity orders in relation to invasive biosecurity matter (prohibited or restricted invasive plants).
Emphasis will be placed on inspecting the localities of Balmoral Ridge, Diamond Valley, Beerwah, Bells Creek, Crohamhurst, North Maleny, Flaxton, Dulong, Eerwah Vale, Verrierdale, Belli Park, Peachester, Montville, Obi Obi and Mapleton, Doonan, Eumundi, Kureelpa, Maleny, Mt Mellum, Reeseville.
Properties over 4000 square metres will be inspected in the above localities on a proactive basis. Individual properties also previously known to harbour invasive biosecurity matter (prohibited or restricted invasive plants) will be surveyed for ongoing compliance.
The biosecurity program commenced 12 September 2022 and will continue until 11 September 2025.
The purpose and scope for the program is:
- monitoring compliance with the Act in relation to a particular matter to which the Act applies
- confirming the presence, or finding out the extent of the presence, in the State or the parts of the State to which the program applies, of the biosecurity matter to which the program relates
- confirming the absence, in the State or the parts of the State to which the program applies, of the biosecurity matter to which the program relates
- monitoring the effects of measures taken in response to a biosecurity risk
- monitoring compliance with requirements about prohibited matter or restricted matter
- monitoring levels of biosecurity matter or levels of biosecurity matter in a carrier.
These inspections will be conducted on urban and rural properties within the Sunshine Coast.
A copy of the 12 September 2022 to 11 September 2025 program can be viewed in the minutes of council's Ordinary Meeting of 25 August 2022.
For more information please contact council.