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Ongoing projects

Living seawall – Brightwater Lake

50 panels will be bolted to the side of the Brightwater Lake wall to create a living seawall. Learn more about the living seawall project.

TurtleCare citizen science program

Each summer, over 150 TurtleCare volunteers patrol the beaches to identify and record sea turtle activity. The Sunshine Coast is an important nesting area for endangered loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Satellite trackers help researchers and the TurtleCare team to understand more about the long migration undertaken by the females to nest on our beaches. Learn more about TurtleCare.

Virtual fencing

We are trialing virtual fencing at locations across the region to reduce kangaroo and car incidents. Approaching headlights trigger the fence to produce a sound, and light, warning kangaroos of oncoming traffic. Learn more about virtual fauna fencing.

Community conservation partnerships

Assists landholders by providing support for the ongoing management and protection of properties.

Learn more about community conservation partnerships.

Pumicestone Passage seagrass monitoring

The Pumicestone Passage seagrass beds provide excellent fisheries nursery habitats. They are a valuable food resource to threatened species such as green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and dugongs (Dugong dugon). Since 2011, council has monitored the passage from Bells Creek to Golden Beach. Seagrass beds in this area, consist of Halophila ovalisZostera muelleri and Halophila spinulosa. It is a valuable part of the Moreton Bay Marine Park and recognised as a RAMSAR wetland. Seagrass in this area has declined since the Bribie Island breakthrough and as at February 2023 is at 107,290m2. Find our more about seagrass monitoring in the Pumicestone Passage.

Habitat stacks

Hollow logs and terrestrial habitat (wildlife home on land) take hundreds of years to develop from mature trees falling to the ground. To speed up the process, we’ve created advanced 'habitat stacks'. Salvaged tree material is used to build an artificial habitat. Our monitoring showed that these were being occupied many animals such as the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), within 24 hours. The habitat stacks provide refuge in newly rehabilitated sites. They also help to speed up the rate at which wildlife call a new reserve home - sometimes by hundreds of years. Find out more about habitat stacks.

Coxen's fig parrot

The endangered coxen’s double-eyed fig parrot (Cyclopsitta diophthalma coxeni) once inhabited areas of the Sunshine Coast hinterland. It is thought to only exist in 4 small sub populations, with fewer than 250 mature individuals remaining in total. Researchers from the Queensland Government’s threatened species unit are using acoustic monitors in council reserves. This is to try and detect the presence of the cryptic bird by recording their call.

Ninox environmental reserve

A recent fauna survey discovered 2 rare species of owl and a rarely observed macropod in the Ninox environmental reserve.

Read more about the Ninox environmental reserve.


Flying fox heat-stress autonomous response unit trial

In November 2018, a deadly heatwave killed over 23,000 spectacled flying-fox in Cairns. This was one-third of the national population. Council developed an autonomous system to slow or reverse symptoms of heat-stress in flying-foxes. Weather loggers placed in affected roosts routinely record the temperature and humidity. If a roost reaches a critical threshold it will trigger, via Wifi, water misters throughout the roost. Read more about the autonomous flying-fox cooling technology.


Flying fox habitat mapping

There are two nationally significant roost sites for the threatened grey-headed flying-fox on the Sunshine Coast. Council partnered with QUT to improve understanding of why flying-foxes select certain areas to roost and where potential habitats may exist across the region. Read more about flying fox habitat mapping.


London Creek environmental reserve

Council purchased London Creek in 2012 using environment levy funding. This important parcel of land has proved vital in conserving a population of the endangered giant barred frog (Mixophyes iteratus). The giant barred frog is largely threatened by clearing and disturbance of riparian habitat. It is also affected by the increased division of land across their range. Find out more about the environment levy.

Long-nosed potoroo discovery

Council partnered with USC to investigate the presence of long-nosed potoroos (Potorous tridactylus). The study utilised motion-sensor fauna cameras and detected the rare potoroo in council environmental reserves and on land for wildlife properties. This species is federally listed as 'vulnerable' to extinction. It is prone to predation from many introduced predators such as foxes and feral cats.