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  • White bike symbols - for bicycles only


    Bicycle lanes marked with a white bicycle symbol are for the use of bicycles only. The following rules apply:

    • motor vehicles may use the lane for 50 metres prior to turning
    • drivers should not park or drive in bicycle lanes unless turning
    • new road rules allow cyclists to choose if they wish to ride in the bicycle lane or not.
  • Green lanes - for bicycles only


    Green lanes are used where there is a greater safety risk to cyclists, such as at intersections and roundabouts:

    • drivers must pay extra attention where green paint is used as cyclists may need to cross the path of turning traffic
    • drivers need to ensure that they give cyclists enough room and that they do not cut-off cyclists when moving outside lanes to turn.
  • Yellow bike symbols - cars and cyclists share


    When there isn’t enough space on the road for a bicycle lane, yellow bicycle symbols are used to remind road users that cyclists and motorists are sharing the road. The following rules apply:

    • drivers should not overtake cyclists in these zones until there is enough room to safely pass or until the road widens
    • when the symbol sits in the centre of the traffic lane cyclists can use the entire lane
    • drivers need to be aware that cyclists should ride at least 1 metre from parked vehicles to avoid being hit by opening doors.