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Beau Vernon

This initiative, in partnership with former Australian of the Year and Paralympian Dylan Alcott’s consultancy, Get Skilled Access, aims to make local sports more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities at clubs and schools.

Strong Community Portfolio Councillor Taylor Bunnag welcomed the new appointment, sharing that Beau would join the Sport Planning and Development Team at Council early in the new year after intensive training with Get Skilled Access.

“He will work with our community clubs and schools, building networks and spreading the Sport4All message,” Cr Bunnag said.

“Beau brings a wealth of first-hand experience to the role. He is a Pride of Australia Medal holder, Paralympic Bronze Medallist in Wheelchair Rugby, former elite AFL player, successful AFL coach, motivational speaker, university graduate, and a Sunshine Coast local.”

“Beau is also a dedicated advocate for people with disabilities, demonstrating their integral role in society.

“Beau’s extensive background and passion for inclusivity makes him an invaluable addition to our team.

“We are committed to nurturing an active and healthy Sunshine Coast lifestyle where everyone can participate in sport and recreation.”

Beau Vernon said he was excited to be starting in the new role.

He said the ethos behind Sport4All perfectly aligned with his ideology on life and the message he wanted to give to all people.

“We need to ‘raise the bar’ on our expectations of what people with disabilities can achieve. I can’t wait to get started early next year and assist community sports clubs and schools to be more inclusive through all forms of participation.”

More information

Any Sunshine Coast schools and clubs interested in joining the Sport4All program can email communitysport@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.

For more information about Beau and his inspiring journey, visit Beau Vernon’s website.

Explore your organisation’s potential through Get Skilled Access.

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