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School registration for the 2025 Kids in Action program closes on 24 March 2025. If you are interested in being involved in Kids in Action as either a school, mentor or volunteer, please register your interest.

Register your school

If you would like more information, or to participate in Kids in Action, please submit an expression of interest or contact our team at kidsinaction@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au.   


Be part of the inspiring Kids in Action Conference and Field Day events by taking on a volunteer role. Tasks include:

  • guiding student groups to their workshop locations
  • supporting mentor and student workshop presentations
  • generally helping the day run smoothly.

Complete the expression of interest to register your interest.


Environmental and sustainability experts are needed! Let us know your skills and we can team you up with a school that could use your expertise for their project. Complete the expression of interest to register your interest.