Primary schools
A free environmental education program for Sunshine Coast primary schools.
Select your topic and book your session via the booking form.
You can also contact us by email at
Our friendly team will be in touch after receiving your booking.
Ready Steady Recycle
Ready Steady Recycle
Students will learn about council’s waste services. They will get to know what can go in each bin and how recycling contributes to a sustainable future. The lesson will explore ways to improve recycling at school and home. Students will be encouraged to become sustainability leaders for their school and community!
Mechanics of Organics
Mechanics of Organics
Discover how to recycle organic waste using a worm farm or compost bin. Learn about compost critters and their role as nature's recyclers. Students will understand how to take care of a worm farm and compost.
Note: there are a limited number of compost bins and worm farms per school.
Litter Litter Everywhere
Litter Litter Everywhere
Investigate the impact of litter on our world.
- Learn how to conduct a litter audit.
- Investigate where litter comes from and where it ends up.
- Discover government 'littering and illegal dumping' regulations.
- Develop solutions to change littering behaviours.
Presentations suitable for Year 2 and above.
STARS Program (Strategies Towards Active Resource Sustainability)
STARS Program (Strategies Towards Active Resource Sustainability)
Is your school on a journey to become more sustainable?
Do you want to reduce your waste and improve your waste management systems?
This is a milestone program that engages students to be leaders in waste management. Sign up to receive free guidance, training and resources for sustainable waste practices. We guide students through a path:
- to improve the school's resource recovery outcomes and
- become leaders in sustainability.
Reach your milestones in the STARS Program to receive:
- ‘Garbage Man for the Day’ interactive books and Whizzedu pens
- recognition as a STAR school by Sunshine Coast Council.
STARS program milestones (PDF, 114KB)