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  • An image about undefined

    Dog Safety Week is a chance for all pet owners, non-pet owners, families and children to learn more about creating a safe and harmonious co-existence between people, pets and places.

  • An image about undefined

    Council offers free school and community programs to help the community to responsibly manage the family pet to be happy and healthy.

  • Lady walking a dog along the beach

    As part of our role in animal management education, we have provided some online tips to help with your responsibility for managing a happy and healthy family pet.

  • Responsible pet ownership marquee in park near the beach.

    Council are conducting responsible pet ownership information stalls at popular coastal foreshores. Talk to a council officer to find more about the education blitz and nearby coastal pathway walks you can enjoy with your dogs.

  • Sammy stands near a picture of a dog with an "I love dogs" sticker.

    Sammy's books are heart-warming adventures that encourage children to become responsible pet owners.

  • Pet education image

    Animals play an important role in the family. Here are some useful tips and fun activities from our mascots Sunny the dog and Sasha the cat.